(EC)⁵: College Essay Consulting

Calling all high school juniors! We’re proud to announce a new educational service to accompany last year’s ⛵IS: Evan’s Chen’s Elite Cutting-Edge College Essay Consulting & Editing Center! Abbreviated (EC)⁵. Why trust Evan? Evan Chen is one of the leading names in admissions to elite American colleges. Students that Evan has mentored have gone on… Continue reading (EC)⁵: College Essay Consulting

The depth of Hanabi

This post is a short chrono-logue about my time with the card game Hanabi, which I play with the H-group. Thus, it’s also implicitly an advertisement for why I enjoy the game Hanabi so much. I think the progression is a bit interesting because it can be divided into almost discrete “stages”, with each stage… Continue reading The depth of Hanabi

Slice of life of the OTIS GM

Here’s a snapshot of what running OTIS looks like these days. Starts from last Sunday afternoon until Monday lunch. Timestamps indicate when the action was completed (rather than started). Sunday 13:04: Process a late financial aid request from someone who forgot to request it earlier. Sunday 13:14: Edit OTIS website to clarify that if you… Continue reading Slice of life of the OTIS GM

Announcing ⛵IS, the successor to OTIS

It’s with a sense of both sadness and excitement that I am writing to announce that year IX of my math olympiad training program, OTIS, is cancelled. Instead, it will be replaced by a new program that I am starting, named Boat Operations: A Tutorial In Sailing, or ⛵IS for short. This was a hard… Continue reading Announcing ⛵IS, the successor to OTIS

Everything I need is on the ground

For me the biggest difference between undergraduate math and PhD life has been something I've never seen anyone else talk about: it's the feeling like I could no longer see the ground. To explain what this means, imagine that mathematics is this wide tower, where you start with certain axioms as a foundation, and then… Continue reading Everything I need is on the ground

Mystery Hunt 2023

This is a retro-post for the Mystery Hunt 2023, for which I played a somewhat minor role on the organizing team (teammate). You can play at interestingthings.museum. There is an ongoing list of write-ups about the hunt being kept at puzzles.wiki, and you may also be interested in the reddit AMA from teammate. Puzzle shoutout… Continue reading Mystery Hunt 2023